What's your name?
What's your e-mail adress Where are you from? Canada Argentina Bolivia Columbia Equador Guyana Paraguay Peru Uruguay French Guiana Surinam Albania Andorra Bulgaria Czechoslovakia Greece Greenland Hungary Iceland Liechtenstein Luxembourg Malta Micronesia Monaco Norway Poland Portugal Romania San Marino Sweden Switzerland Vatican City Yugoslavia Brhrain Bhutan Cyprus Malaysia Mongolia Nepal Oman Quatar Sri Lanka Syria Yemen Burundi Cameroon Chad Congo Dahomey Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Lesotho Malagasy Mali Senegal Sierra Leone Swaziland Korea Japan China Vietnam Toad.net Togo Upper Volta Antarctica Bahamas Barbados Grenada Haiti Honduras Panama Trinidad Tobago Fiji French Polynesia Guam Maldives Mauritius Nauru New Caledonia New Guinea and the Bismarcks New Hebrides Okinawa Ryukyu Islands Solomon Islands Tonga Western Samoa Galapagos Islands. Easter Island Pangea Atlantis The Disputed Zone The Holy Roman Empire Ghetto Camden Yards Who are you?
What part of the country?
What influenced you to come here? (ie: Steve Case, Aunt Helga, ESP, The voices told me)
Are you male or female? Male Female NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! - Male IT'S NO CONCERN OF YOURS! - Female
How old are you? Under 2 months 15 to 18 15 20 to 25 80 to 163 years I'm embarrassed (87) Leave me alone! (9).
Which of the following interests do you have?** Mystery Science Theatre 3000 Simpsons M*A*S*H Aquariums MiNd AltErIng dRugS Reconstructing Tomatoes from Catsup Music 'Cult' Films British Comedy (Monty Python stupid) Japanese Animation All Things Canadian Potato Guns? Duct Tape? Goldfinger? None of the above. (I'm boring or dead) other:
Do you like pizza? Yes! I love it!! Gross! Yuck! Hit me with a stick!
True or False: You will answer "false" on this question. True False
Are there any infamous criminals in the audience?
Yes, I blew up the Twin Towers. No, you scare me, I'm leaving.
Would you rather live in a place where nothing is as it seems, but all is like it is and the only constant is change? Yup, I would Nope, that would suck
Isn't that what this is?
If you had a jar full of nothing could it then be considered something because you caught it? Ya I guess so NO! What are you crazy?!
Do you think I'm weird? Yes. I'd hate to talk to you in a dark alley! Uhhh, no? I also talk to my sofa.
SKILL TESTING QUESTION: 4+6/2-1*5= Failing to answer the question correctly will result in an evil curse
Please feel free to babble on for ever: Today's topic: Duct Tape: kewl and some and one of the best things on earth, or crappy and annoying?
Send me mail!
*Prizes will not be awarded **The author does not care, and probably hates you.